
Sunday, August 15, 2010

MAMIL - Middle Aged Man In Lycra

Came across this article somebody pointed the directions.

Middle Aged Man In Lycra - MAMIL. What a thunder! Hahahahahaha!


Caught a glimpse of YOG Opening Ceremony last night. Was a very impressive display of talent and creativity I must say! The creative director did a darn good job. And the amount of money sunk into it to put Singapore on the world map, considering that we did not invest much in infrastructure, S$400m did not seem like a hefty price tag to pay. The amount of time spent in planning a project as big a scale as this must have been quite a mind boggling job, having to ensure that the segmented portions can be seamlessly put together was definitely a herculean task. I sure hope that the closing will be an equivalent or better showcase of the abilities of Singaporeans.

Of course, on the flip side of the coin, the money can be put to humanitarian use as well. I cant say that I do not agree of that. I dont know how this can be reconciled. I guess there can never be black or white, right or wrong. Even shades of grey come in different gradients. It is not right to say there is "them" - the unfortunate and there is "us" - the rest of the world. Oh darn... I am not here to solve the world issues. I can only try to help as much as possible.


This morning woke up and the legs felt tired. But this is the usual feeling after every long Saturday outing. Gotten quite used to it already. The good thing was that the weather was very nice - shady and not humid. Started with a 1km warm up followed by 5 sets of 5km with 500m walk between each set, ended with 1km of walk home. Total of 29km run and walk.

Pace was good. Started with 6:21/km and went on to 5:26/km, 5:16/km, 4:54/km and finally 5:00/km. The last 5km I wanted to rev up my heart rate but the legs just couldnt fire any more. Basically was quite trashed up. Still very happy with the run times though, because the legs seemed to be able to take the stress and also getting stronger over time. Hope this will improvement will continue the same course till the end of year for the ironman. Gunning for a personal best for the course.

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