It was an inaugural event for the young athletes all over the world. And it was even more so for the country because we are the host for the 1st ever event. But why is it that the support from the locals half hearted, lukewarm or may even be considered as absent? That when a young primary school who chased after the torch relay in the rain with his flip-flops can become a media attention? Was that really THE only portrayal of fervent support for the Game?
I know of many people who just cant be bothered with the event. There are some who even said that it was a waste of tax payers' money. But my thought of the money spent on the event? I think it has placed the country on the world map and recognised by people all over the world. That an island as small as ours is able to pull off an event that is probably 2nd to the Olympics and World Cup itself? The expenditure could be justified because the potential political and economical returns in future may surpass this. I cant be sure of this but even in businesses, branding and publicity accounts for the growth of the company, so why not the YOG?
I have also heard stories about the running of the event from volunteers. Yes, there will be hiccups. Yes, there will be unhappiness. Yes, there will be long hours. Yes, it will be difficult to swallow some of these hard feelings. Most likely, I would be too. Considering that it is such a massive event, the operations and organisational procedures that had gone into the planning must had been hard to do. As a non volunteer, I have the fortune to say that overall, the game seems to have gone on quite smoothly to date. Or at least, it appears to the public?
I have no answer as to why it was such a lukewarm response to the games. Perhaps it was due to the lack of publicity? Perhaps it was the indifference amongst the locals? Perhaps it was because there is a belief that not many local athletes will bring back the medal glory? Perhaps we all have more things to do with our daily lives and could catch the action off the TV broadcast? I myself am not a fervent follower. And it will probably be the same reason many other working adult/parent face. Just that some will have other reasons, like I have my training for ironman to follow.
Or really, is the support lukewarm? Maybe it just appeared to be?
Monday's swim session was a disaster. I was lagging behind all the way. Just did not feel up to the sets. Lungs felt like burning up. I can only console myself that I did a very heavy session over the weekend. But I cant use it as an excuse. Basically, my swimming is really not up to mark. The improvement is really marginal compared to my biking and running. I think my technique really needs correction. Who can I go to, besides Sea Monsta? It will mean additional cost and fitting the session into my training schedule. I had contemplated for a while already and yet to act on it. Mainly because I wanted to focus on improving my biking and run. I still have more to go with the other 2 disciplines.
Tuesday was a rain out. Did 50km bike and had to halt. The thunder cracked so loudly behind me as I biked in the rain, the lightning so bright that it lit up 1km radius probably, that I took shelter at the bus stop. Rain did not seem to subside. 30min into it, Colin called me and asked if I wanted a lift - I was emailing while under the shelter and he found out. He works at Tuas and I was near NTU. Half an hour later, I was in his car on the way home. Having rested more than an hour, I figured that it was no point continuing. Might as well go home and get some rest. So that totally blew my 100km bike and 8km run brick session. Darn!
Today was another swim. 400m warm up, 1km time trial, 1x300m, 2x200, 3x100, 6x50m, 100m warm down. Time trial took me 18:45. This was faster than last week's 19:23. And the watch says that my average per lap was about 1:52/100m or something like that. I hope to bring it down further considering that this is just 1km time trial. I need to do the same for 3.8km! How and when am I going to do that??
Patience, my young Padawan, patience. Self talk is eerily schizophrenic I must admit...
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