
Monday, April 12, 2010

Night Interval

Did a 2km warm up, and 4 x 2km intervals around my estate, with a 500m jog between the sets and a final 1km warm down. In sequence, the times were 11:03, 10:47, 10:06, 8:32. The best part was when I finished the last set of 2km, I thought I could have gone for another 2km at an even higher HR. But since I was tasked with 4, I kept it as that. After all, I still have other sessions going on for the week.

When I finished the sets, I thought to myself: the last time I felt so fit was when I was 19 years old while in the Army. My coach has really brought down my age from 37 and rewind it to 18 years back! I have so much to thank him for. Yes, besides my own determination and discipline, without his guidance, I do not think I would have come this far in my triathlon route. I suppose also I would not know how to train properly on my own, engaging Craig was the best move to bring out the best result in the optimal time.

Craig may be coming over to Singapore in May just before my reservist. My girls and myself are looking forward to meet The Man.

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